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Arnad Castle - alongside it is the first known photograph of the monument, published in 1869 - was built over about three centuries, starting from 1100 until the last years of 1300. The last phase is linked to the elevation of the monobloc and is confirmed by a contract dated November 1392, which provided for the renovation of the building, and the recent dating with dendrochronology of the remains of three roof beams, which analysis has indicated as dating back to 1395.   

The archaeological excavations that will be carried out in the coming months will provide new elements to better understand the various phases that characterized the birth and development of the complex.

The first surveys have already made it possible to establish that the primitive donjon has a rectangular base and not a square base as was assumed. A rare feature in the Aosta Valley towers of the time, probably dictated by the conformation of the terrain.

Meuta Riva 1869 Prima Foto-2.jpg
Meuta Riva 1869 Prima Foto-2.jpg
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